Life is what happens while you’re making other plans
It’s true that like, oh … just about EVERYONE else in the world, we had some very different plans for May of 2020. (Anyone else getting a little fatigued hearing about “these unprecedented times?") But here we are, living temporarily in this strange new world – and it’s required us to all figure out more clever ways to stay connected to each other in order to celebrate #togetherapart.
People everywhere have been innovative in finding new ways to make birthdays, graduations, engagement parties and other important milestones feel special when we can’t physically be together. Families, friends and neighbors have organized drive-by parades to send love and congratulations with balloons, car magnets, shoe polish and posters from the curbside. Several weddings have been postponed or, in some cases, officiated via Zoom video conferences or the House Party app. And, for us at Movista, it’s meant reimagining how to celebrate a pretty significant milestone for our company.
10 Years of Transforming How People See Their Business
Movista turned 10 years old this month. It’s a pretty big deal for a small startup to make it to the next stage as a growth company and beyond … less than 1/3 of companies who started the same year as us (2010) will have made it to a decade. We’re humbled by the journey. We’re also proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish together, growing with our clients.
We were ready. We had grand designs to bring the whole company together to attend our annual all-hands meeting and Founders’ Day picnic, where we vie for the Whiffle Ball Championship title, announce our annual award winners and talk about our move-forward strategy for the next 12 months. Instead, 2020 delivered us a big, fat, hairy bundle of NOPE. But in true Movista fashion, we’ve run with it. We're figuring it out. This is what we're all about... making sweet lemonade out of life’s lemons.
One #Quaranteam, One Dream
The postponed celebrations will be that much sweeter when we’re finally all able to be together again in person. Until that happens, dear reader, we’ll adjust to a more virtual approach to show our co-founders and all our employees how much we love and appreciate them.
In addition to some internal recognitions and activities we have slated, we’re launching an 8-week series of employee spotlights to recognize all our founding employees. Sixteen of our original, "not-ready-for-primetime" players remain on our 100+ team today. Movista has skyrocketed since our humble beginnings and our founding employees have been a part of it all-- good, bad and challenging. Over the next few weeks, we're going to be hearing their perspectives on the past decade. Watch for that in our social media channels, starting this week!
Happy Birthday, Movista, and Congratulations to Stan Zylowski and April Seggebruch on 10 years of business successes – here’s to many more! #10novation