Nine weeks has gone by so fast, it feels like I just arrived here, and now it's almost time to go back home to Budapest! The team asked me to write down some of my thoughts about my time here at Movista... and what I've learned in the U.S.
My first time in the United States
It was May, and I was busy concentrating on work and exams, when I got the message that I was accepted to be a summer intern at Movista and would be welcomed to northwest Arkansas in July. I had no idea then exactly how my life was going to change. On one hand, I was super excited, but on the other, I was a little freaked out thinking, “Holy ****!!! I am going to another continent to work.”
It’s always been a dream of mine to visit (and work in) the U.S. – and I’m so glad to say that really my dream came true.
Early Days in a New Environment
In the first several days, I was fighting jetlag – which wasn’t easy. I needed a little time to get used to the American oxygen. And it was kind of confusing because everything is so different from where I came from. For example, at home the local time is 7 hours ahead, so feels like I have gone back from the future. 😊
My First Day of Work at Movista
I remember our car pulling up to Movista's office at the Ice House and noticing the big Movista logo on the side of the building… then my very first minutes and hours in the office, I realized that I am clearly at the Good Place.
Smart, interesting and kind people everywhere… Oh and a few crazy ones! The office has a great vibe, and I loved working here.
What I Did This Summer
To the ones who assume my job was all about eating free food from the fridge, going on trips and getting tickets to concerts and all kind of awesome places, this is for you…😉
I worked with the sales team during my internship. My main task was doing research to find general data, contacts and publicly listed financials for different types of companies - such as retailers, manufacturers and 3PL companies.
I absolutely enjoyed working with the sales team. They are hard-working group, but fun to be with at the same time.
For me it was such a growing experience, and I can proudly say that I have learned a lot of new things that I know will bring me more value in the future. I say I had the internship that everyone wishes for. Working in a new environment (in a foreign country), learning new methods and having the most fun at the same time with amazing people.
Making Memories
I made a few friends, who I am really going to miss! They are LOVELY people! Take a look at some of the memories we made together:

My Overall Impressions:
I’ve been asked the question several times: “What have been your most and least favorite things in the U.S?”
That's easy! My favorite thing has been the people! Everyone is very easy-going and friendly, which I like.
The other thing I like is the food. It’s like a bad romance: I both love it and hate it at the same time. So many good, tasty things to eat, but (for me at least) it’s been hard to eat healthy. As soon as I get home, I’m renewing my gym membership. LOL.
But apart from that, I can’t really think of anything specific I didn’t like… well, I mean, except for the time I got our whole group kicked out of a certain drinking establishment at the beach, but that was actually really fun, too - the team had my back. #SorryEverybody #PrayForNonTippingEuropeans
Yes, the culture shock was real!
My Advice to the Next Intern
Hey, You! If you are the new intern reading this, welcome to Movista, you lucky person. I am the ex-intern from Movista, and I am giving you a quick heads-up. If you come here to work, you are gonna have to pack two suitcases.
- In one suitcase put your best, most hard-working, strict and smart self. You will need it for working hours.
- Do not forget to bring the other suitcase, in which you will have to bring your most fun self. Oh, but if you should forget the fun bag, don’t worry - they will teach you how to have fun. 😉
You might have heard, Movista is the coolest office in town. And it literally is, so bring a sweater – it gets cold in that office.
And get ready to be well taken care of – these crazy, kind, wonderful people will treat you like family and I am sure by the time you leave at the end of your internship, you will essentially have cool Movista-moms, cool Movista-Sisters and cool Movista-brothers. Just assume you probably will not want to leave by the end, but it will be okay… these are the kind of people you’ll stay connected with for a lifetime.
So, with that advice, I’ll let you figure out the rest for yourself.
Best wishes,
P.S. If you also happen to be foreign, say a few kind words to Stan in your native tongue. He loves listening to extremely inexplicable languages.
And for the rest of the team at Movista, I leave you this little handwritten note. Thank you again for your kindness!