Local NWA Influencers, Jasmine Hudson & Jae Merchant, join Movista CEO & co-founder, Stan Zylowski, on this week’s episode of The Stanish Inquisition podcast. Listen in as the three long-time NWA gurus talk about what they’re bringing to this big party we call life.
For their thousands of followers on Instagram & Facebook, JazzyJaeNWA is the go-to hook-up on the latest & greatest events, art, food & fun in Northwest Arkansas. The business partners & BFFs also run the Black-Owned Business Directory & BlackOwnedNWA communities -- to amplify local black-owned businesses & connect people new to the area with churches, doctors, barbers, hair salons & more. Most recently, Jasmine & Jae joined forces with their friend, Madia Willis, to launch their own business, Black Paper Party, featuring paper goods, ornaments & more "for the culture."
Whether they're exploring events to share their experiences with the rest of us, taking part in Market Days downtown or volunteering at non-profits, like Havenwood, the dynamic duo brings joy & celebration to everything they do in NWA. Don’t miss this episode of The Stanish Inquisition to learn more about what’s in store for Jasmine & Jae as we head into 2021.