The number one value here at Movista is to “Serve Clients Maniacally.” A slightly unconventional word to choose, but important. The informal definition of maniac is “an obsessive enthusiast.”
“Maniacal customer service” is a mantra as deeply engrained in our Customer Success team as it is in our Technology, Sales, and Marketing departments, along with every other one. At Movista, we’re hardwired to serve, so of course we were thrilled to host the 9th Annual INSIGHT Customer Conference last week. Our customers' success is our success, and the conference was punctuated with incredible stories of retail running right when it is connected. INSIGHT is a conference we adopted after we joined forces with Natural Insight a couple of years ago. Like most other events, 2020’s INSIGHT Conference was cancelled. As cases surged again this year, we made a critical decision to host the event no matter what happened, so we went digital.
Customers take a leap of faith when they partner with a technology provider. Over the years, we’ve worked hard to keep our end of the bargain. We’ve deepened our relationships and understanding of our customers' unique business challenges. Our technology teams are working on the next generation of the product, and our Customer Success team is here to support people in their digital transformation journey.
The conference had a huge turnout and engagement that blew us away. To all of our customers: thank you for joining and for sending your questions and comments throughout the event. You are helping us shape the future of the platform and the future of retail.
Here’s a quick roundup of the event:
Everything we learned last week, we'll take into next year as we look forward to an in-person event in the heart of US: Nashville, Tennessee. Who knew it would end up taking place more than two years after we originally planned it? We're more excited than ever.
We’d like to thank all our customers for giving INSIGHT your all and we look optimistically towards the future with each of you. Thank you for allowing us to fulfill our mission alongside you!
The Movista Team