Movista has been voted one of the Best Places to Work for three years in a row! What an honor to work for the kind of company that can boast that title - best place to work.
We all have a story about how we came to Movista. Mine started off finding listing on Craigslist, followed by a job interview in a coffee shop… unbeknownst to me what opportunities would come. I wrote a blog post before about the job I have. Now, let me tell you about the people.
I manage Movista’s Customer Success Call Center. I’m proud to say my team feels like a family. These people don’t just work together in a call center, they share with each other and get each other through the hard times, celebrate the happy times and truly support each other.
During what’s been an otherwise challenging year for the world, we had two team members welcome new babies into their families. One born in a hospital; the other born at home in a bathtub – helped into the world by our teammate, who was honored to deliver her own granddaughter. So amazing! We rejoiced for both births. Two healthy little girls.
Two of us bought new homes. One moved away to be closer to family, and continues to work remotely with us. One (that would be me) moved even closer to "town." What’s actually inspired this blog post? Actually, my moving day. Even with concerns about COVID-19, not one… not two, but SEVEN people from all different departments showed up to help me move. They carried boxes, appliances, TVs and had fun while we worked hard. They were quick with a laugh and did so much to help me get settled in. It made the whole process so much better. It was touching to know that - not just on moving day - but every day... these people have my back!
That is what we do here at Movista, we work hard whether it be in the office or helping a teammate from home, and we have fun. Most of us are remote because of the pandemic; however, we still know how to stay connected. Our bosses have town hall meetings with us to make sure we all know what’s going on with the business and with each other. Celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, promotions, new hires, certifications, graduations, announcing company contests or charity fundraising events… we're always finding opportunities to always stay connected. Everyone is accessible and happy to jump in to help if we need it. Co-founders, managers, directors, VP’s, and co-workers are just a Slack message or phone call away. We connect! We laugh. We're continuously living our culture.

We always find ways to give back to our community virtually. Since we can’t be there in person to help with hands-on projects, we’ve built up internal online tournaments – chess, poker, and even video games, like Call of Duty. We started a Movista book club. We have Slack channels to share new music, art we’re working on, movies & shows we’ve discovered. We have online yoga classes. We have "photo of the day" challenges two times a week. And we embraced and committed to a diversity pledge – it only made sense to us, because it’s part of our company culture to respect, care about and be there for one another.
Like many, we have felt the struggle of work in the time of coronavirus but we all came together, and we worked through it together. That is how we roll at Movista. We have worked remotely but if you feel good about it, you can take a health survey on our app & go into the office. If not, keep working remotely. We all want this virus to run it’s course; until then we remain that strong team.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to celebrate our Founder’s Day together this year. It’s a time when we would normally bring the whole company together for meetings and festivities - and is always something we look forward to. We didn't get to have everyone in the office and enjoy shenanigans, our big cook-out and yard games. We didn’t get to spend one-on-one time with our cohorts from our other offices and abroad, but still we’ve been able to bond virtually and get to know others through other efforts, like the town hall meetings I mentioned. We’ve even done a virtual hotdog eating competition! Our marketing team has produced some great videos, too – recaps of times gone by, interviews and introductions to new folks, spotlights about teammates so we can all learn more about our people, and even an interview with our co-founders over hot (and hotter!) hot wings. We host “coffee connect” meetings a couple times each week, where teammates can drop in to say "hi" if they have time and just chat about something besides the work we’re all doing. If I haven’t said it enough – these people are amazing!
We are that company – the dream job, the one you hope to get when you interview. I thank goodness every single day for Stan, April, Mike, Jed, Brandon, Liz, Juan, Angela, all the reps in the field that use the app, all the companies that choose us to serve their businesses… and everyone who has anything to do with Movista.
Best places to work? YOU’D BETTER BELIEVE IT!